I just thought as I'm stuck in a car on my way over to Newcastle to look at bikes that I'd use the time to bring the blog up to date.
Well on Flo work has not stopped, all the side panels are recovered and back on. We've replaced the lino on the floor too. The roof lining has been stripped and the back replaced with new leathercloth and we are going to fit a new liner to the sunroof this week. Then it's seats back in and back on the road next week. Fingers crossed.
Ant has also been hard at work on the exterior of Rosie restoring the front and repainting round the windows.
I'll take some photos when we've finished and upload them, got to go now feel a bit car sick!
Well on Flo work has not stopped, all the side panels are recovered and back on. We've replaced the lino on the floor too. The roof lining has been stripped and the back replaced with new leathercloth and we are going to fit a new liner to the sunroof this week. Then it's seats back in and back on the road next week. Fingers crossed.
Ant has also been hard at work on the exterior of Rosie restoring the front and repainting round the windows.
I'll take some photos when we've finished and upload them, got to go now feel a bit car sick!
posted from Bloggeroid
To use the Wednesday return service to Barnard Castle, is it best to pre-book seats or do you operate a hail and ride service?
ReplyDeleteMartin, Brough.